Welcome to the website
This website provides you with ready access to work that I have done over the past 40-plus years in the realms of health, wellness, exercise promotion, and triathlon. My work has been addressed to both academic and public audiences. This website offers access to my USA-Triathlon blog columns from February 2013 to November 2021 (shortly before my 85th birthday). Also available are my books on Health, Wellness and Fitness, and Multi-sport racing, and my "Ordinary Mortals Guide to Triathlon," available for download.
Explore my biography, descriptions and purchase links for my books, articles on exercise, triathlon, duathlon, health, wellness, and preventive medicine, and presentation notes from various conferences.
I hope that you will find the site to be of interest and use. Go well, “the other” Dr. J.
USA-Triathlon Website Blog
Health, Wellness & Fitness
Multi-sport Racing
The Ordinary Mortals ® Guide for Getting Started in Triathlon and Duathlon
You're thinking about doing your first triathlon or duathlon, or you’ve done a couple on a lark and now want to get more organized in the way you are going about it. But you've heard that it's really tough to train to get into and stay in multi-sport racing, that it takes a lot of time, effort, and energy. Well, this inexpensive Guide shows you just how you can get into and stay with the sport, while dis-spelling all those rumors about how tough doing so is.
In this section I offer a selection of published articles. The sub-sections are organized according to where the articles have been published, followed by the all-encompassing “Academic + Other.” I write a regular column for the USA-Triathlon Blog. From 2006 through 2012 I published a regular column for USA-Triathlon Life, the quarterly magazine of USA-Triathlon. My columns appeared under the heading “Ordinary Mortals®: Talking Triathlon with Steve Jonas.” That series came to an end when the magazine was down-sized at the end of 2012. They are to be found in the “USA-Triathlon Magazine” section. It was replaced by the aforementioned monthly column for the USA-T Blog in 2013. I was Editor-in-Chief of the American Medical Athletics Association Journal from 2002 through 2015. For the AMAAJ, I wrote both a “Message from the Editor” feature (they were editorial comments) and an occasional series entitled “Talking About Training.” They are both listed below under “AMAAJ” For each selection there is a link to the published article/column.
From USA-Triathlon Magazine: Ordinary Mortals®:
Talking Triathlon with Steve Jonas
In this section you will find all of the columns that I published in the quarterly magazine of the national governing body for multi-sport racing, USA-Triathlon, USA-Triathlon Life. They ran from 2006 through 2012, when the magazine was downsized and most of the columns were eliminated. Each column is downloadable from the website in the PDF format
From the American Medical Athletics Association Journal
In this section you will find a selection of the columns that I published in the American Medical Athletics Association Journal, going back to 2000. I was its Editor-in-Chief from 2002 to 2015. In most issues, I published an editorial on a topic of current interest in sports medicine/athletics or in the broader arena of health promotion and disease prevention, under the heading “Message from the Editor.” Also, intermittently I published a regular column entitled “Talking About Training,” in which I did just that. Again, each column is downloadable from the website in the PDF format.
Academic + Other
This section contains a selection of academic and popular articles on health, wellness, sport and regular exercise that I have published in other journals and magazines. There are also my two published articles on the pathogenesis and natural history of HIV/AIDS. Again, each one is downloadable from the website in the PDF format.